Total Medals Earned: 587 (From 179 different games.) Total Medal Score: 7,585 Points
Medals Earned: 4/16 (25/480 points)
Create a word from 4 letters
Create 5words
Find at least 1 word
Create a word from 5 letters
Create 10 words
Create 15 words
Create 20 words
create the first word in 5 seconds from the start!
Create the first word in 3 seconds from the start
Create 30 words
Create a word from 6 letters
Create 40 words
Create a word from 7 letters
Create a word from 8 letters
Create 100 words
Create a word from 9 letters
Medals Earned: 4/4 (25/25 points)
Complete Level 1
Complete Level 2
Complete Level 3
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/20 (30/500 points)
Beat The Black And White Level 1
View the HowTo
Beat BAW Level 2
Beat BAW Level 3
Beat BAW Level 4
Beat BAW Level 5
Beat Blue Level 1
Get to the Colored Levels
Beat Green Level 1
Beat Indigo Level 1
Beat Orange Level 1
Beat Red Level 1
View The Credits
Beat Violet Level 1
Beat The Rainbow Level
Beat Yellow Level 1
Have the screen be unbearably flashy while playing
Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/325 points)
Reach the end with the Crippled disability.
Reach the end with the Illiterate disability.
Reach the end with the Nearly Blind disability.
Reach the end with the Spastic disability.
Medals Earned: 7/18 (75/490 points)
Successfully shaved it all off!
Successfully find the full beard!
Dig up King Tut
Detect la Poirot!
Lookin' hot in yer Mutton Chops
Locate Lemmy!
Hey Abe, my top lip is awful chilly!
Successfully find the Full Gringo!
Successfully find the Napoleon Imperial
Find your soul (patch)
Successfully audition the Thespian
Don't f*** with the Fu Manchu
Successfully find the Goatee
Rock out the Zappa
Successfully find The Souvarov
Successfully find The Winnfield
Enter random pirate quote here...
Anchor's away! Aweigh? Meh.
Medals Earned: 3/20 (20/455 points)
Use Gerald to pull a lever
Have Ronald use a bouncer
Crush a regular zombie with a giant crate
Get Gerald killed with a saw
Get Ronald killed with a spiketrap
Have a runner bash Gerald into his grave
Get Ronald killed by a normal zombie
Crush Gerald with a giant crate
Crush Ronald with a giant crate
Crush a runner zombie with a giant crate
Launch a runner zombie in the air
Finish any stage and get 0 skulls awarded
Finish all stages up to stage 4
Finish any stage and get 3 skulls awarded
Finish all stages up to stage 8
Unlock at least 16 skulls
Finish all stages up to stage 12
Unlock at least 32 skulls
Finish all 16 stages
Unlock all 48 skulls
Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/325 points)
Kill 10 little zombies.
Kill a zombie in the menu.
Click the Newgrounds-logo to visit Newgrounds.
Jump 10 times.
Survive 5 days.
Kill 50 zombies in one game.
Buy the minigun.
Survive all 10 days.
Survive until day 5 without buying a weapon from the shop.
Buy all weapons from the shop.
Medals Earned: 5/26 (25/500 points)
Play with your dog
Craft your first potion
Burn Duro to get his ship
Complete Rhisla
Pick your first ingredient
Complete Aeryl
Drink poison
Scale Mount Ulahard
Complete Elaris
Annoy the portly man in the shower
Complete Meztla
Complete Potal
Complete Ro'gor
Complete the race across the border
Collect a health upgrade
Collect 100 ingredients
Complete Lynaii
Complete the race without firing
Enter the locked temple on Meztla
Defeat X'o'chthu
Craft all potions
Don't get shot on the Potal battlefield
Visit the developers
Drink all potions at once
Collect all health upgrades
Defeat X'o'chthu using Freeze potions only
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/330 points)
Beat Room 5
Get the bad ending
Complete Expert Room 1
Complete Expert Room 2
Get the good ending
Beat Time Trial Run in under 4 minutes
Obtain all 19 grapefruits